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Year 2017, Volume: 16 Issue: 60, 119 - 134, 25.01.2017


 Bu çalışmada öğretmen adayı üniversite öğrencilerinin epistemolojik inançlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu genel amaç doğrultusunda; öğrencilerin epistemolojik inançlarının nasıl olduğu, öğrencilerin epistemolojik inançları; sınıf düzeyi, cinsiyet, okumakta oldukları bölüm değişkenlerine göre, anlamlı bir farklılık gösterip göstermediği araştırılmıştır. Bu araştırma nicel ve nitel yöntemlerin birlikte kullanıldığı karma yöntemle yapılmıştır. Seçilen çalışma grubuna önce ölçek uygulanmış, çalışma grubundan bir grup katılımcı ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu 2012-2013 eğitim-öğretim yılında Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, fen bilgisi öğretmenliği ile fizik öğretmenliği bölümlerinde öğrenim görmekte olan toplam 280 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın verileri Schommer (1990) tarafından geliştirilen, Tüzün ve Topçu (2008) tarafından Türkçe’ ye uyarlanan ''Epistemolojik İnançlar Ölçeği'' kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Ayrıca 24 kişilik bir çalışma grubuyla bireysel görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, öğretmen adaylarının epistemolojik inançlarının gelişmemiş/olgunlaşmamış olduğu ve görüşlerinin bölüm, sınıf ve cinsiyet değişkenlerine göre değişmediği belirlenmiş ve üniversite öğrenimi süresince öğrencilerin epistemolojik inançlarında hiç bir değişiklik olmadığı görülmektedir.



  • Baxter-Magolda, M. B. (1992). Knowing and Reasoning in College: Gender-Related Patterns in Students’ Intellectual Development, San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Belenky, M. F., Clinchy, B. M., Goldberger, N. R. ve Tarule, J. M. (1986). Women’s Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice and Mind.New York; Basic Books.
  • Bernardo, A. B. I. (2008). Exploring epistemological beliefs of bilingual Filipino preservice teachers. The Journal of Psycholog, 142 (2), 193-208.
  • Braten, I., Stromso, H. I. (2005). The relationship between Epistemological beliefs, Implicit Theories of Intelligence, and Self-regulated Learning among Norwegian Postsecondary Students. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 539-565.
  • Braten, I., Stromso, H. I. (2006). ''Epistemological Beliefs, Interest, and Gender as Predictors of Internet-Based Learning Activities'', Computers in Human Behavior, 22, 1027-1042.
  • Brownlee, J. (2001). Beliefs about knowing in pre-service teacher education students. Ed: L. Richardson & J. Lidstone (Eds), Flexible Learning for a Flexible Societ,y 75-82.
  • Buehl, M., Alexander, P. A. (2001) Beliefs about Academic Knowledge, Journal of Educational Psychology Review,13 (4), 353-382.
  • Buehl, M. (2003). At the Crossroads of Epistemology and Motivation: Modeling the Relations between Students' Domain-Specific Epistemological Beliefs, Achievement Motivation, and Task Performance. (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Maryland Üniversitesi. Amerika.
  • Cavallo, A. M. L., Rozman, M., Blickenstaff, J. ve Walker, N. (2003). Students’ Learning Approaches, Reasoning Abilities, Motivational Goals, and Epistemological Beliefs in Differing College Science Courses, Journal of College Science Teaching, 33, 18-23.
  • Cano, F. (2005). Epistemological beliefs and Approaches to Learning: Their Change Through Secondary School and Their Influence on Academic Performance, British Journal of Educational Psycholog, 75, 203-221.
  • Chan, K. W., Elliott., R. G. (2002). Exploratory Study of Hong Kong Teacher Education Students’ Epistemological Beliefs: Cultural Perspectives and Implications on Belief Research. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27, 392-414.
  • Chan, K. (2003). Hong Kong teacher education students' epistemological beliefs and approaches to learning. Research in Education, 69, 36-50.
  • Chan, K. W., Elliott, R. G. (2004). Epistemological Beliefs Across Cultures: Critique and Analysis of Beliefs Structure Studies. Educational Psychology, 24( 2), 123-142.
  • Creswell, J. W., Clark, V. L. P., Gutmann, M. L., Hanson, W. E. (2003). Handbook of Mixed Methods In Social & Behavioral Research. A. Tashakkori ve C. Teddlie (Ed.). Advanced Mixed Methods Research Designs (s. 223-227). Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2004). Eğitimde Program Geliştirme. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Deryakulu, D. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Epistemolojik İnanç Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik çalışması, Eğitim Araştırmaları, 8, 111-125.
  • Deryakulu, D. (2004) Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Öğrenme ve Ders Çalışma Stratejileri ile Epistemolojik İnançları Arasındaki İlişki, Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 38,230-249.
  • Deryakulu, D., Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Epistefmolojik inanç ölçeğinin faktör yapısının yeniden incelenmesi: cinsiyet ve öğrenim görülen program türüne göre epistemolojik inançların karşılaştırılması. Eğitim Araştırmaları, 18, 57–70.
  • Duell, O. K., Schommer-Aikins, M. (2001). Measures of People’s Beliefs About Knowledge and Learning, Educational Psychology Review,13(4), 419-449.
  • Hofer, B. K., Pintrich, P. R. (1997). The Development of Epistemological Theories: Baliefs about Knowledge and Knowing and Their Relation to Learning. Review. Review of Educational Research, 67(1),88-140.
  • Hofer, B. K. (2000). Dimensionality and Disciplinary Differences in Personal Epistemology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 378-405.
  • Hofer, B. K. (2004a). Exploring the Dimensions of Personal Epistemology in Differing Classroom Contexts: Student Interpretations During the First Year of College, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 129-163.
  • Kizilgünes, B., Tekkaya, C., Sungur, S. (2009). Modeling the Relations Among Students’ Epistemological Beliefs, Motivation, Learning Approach, and Achievement. The Journal of Educational Research, 102(4), 243-255.
  • King, P. M., Kitchener, K. S. (1994). Developing Reflective Judgment: Understanding and Promoting Intellectual Growth and Critical Thinking in Adolescents and Adults.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Llyod, G. (2003). Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Experiences with Innovative Curriculum Materials: The Role of Curriculum in Teacher Development, (Ed: G. C. Leder., E. Pehkonen ve G. Törner) Beliefs: A Hidden Variable in Mathematics Education?.(ss. 149-159), New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Mason, L. ve Boscolo, P. (2004). Role of Epistemological Understanding and Interest in Interprating a Controversy and in Topic-Specific Belief Change, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 103-128.
  • Meral, M., Çolak, E. (2009). Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilimsel Epistemolojik İnançlarının İncelenmesi. On dokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27,129-146.
  • Öngen, D. (2003). Epistemolojik İnançlar ile Problem Çözme Stratejileri Arasındaki İlişkiler: Eğitim Fakülteleri Öğrencileri Üzerinde Bir Çalışma, Eğitim Araştırmaları, 13,155-162.
  • Perry,W. G. (1970). Forms of intellectual development and ethical development in the college years: A scheme. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  • Schommer, M. (1990). Effects of Beliefs about the Nature of Knowledge on Comprehension, Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 498-504.
  • Schommer, M. (1994). Synthesizing Epistemological Belief Research: Tentative Understandings and Provocative Confusions, Educational Psychology Review, (4),293-319.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M., Brookhart, S., Hutter, R., Mau, W. C. (2000).Understanding Middle Students’ Beliefs about Knowledge and Learning Using a Multidimensional Paradigm, The Journal of Educational Research,94 (4),20-127.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M. (2004). Explaining the epistemological belief system: Introducing the embedded systemic model and coordinated research approach. Educational Psychologist, 39(1), 19-29.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M. ve Easter, M. (2006). Ways of Knowing and Epistemological Beliefs: Combined Effect on Academic Performance, Educational Psychology, 26(3), 411-423.
  • Topçu, M.S. (2011). Turkish elementary student teachers’ epistemological beliefs and moral reasoning. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34(1), 99–125.
  • Trautwein, U. ve Lüdtke, O. (2007). Epistemological Beliefs, School Achievement, And College Major: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study On The Impact Of Certainty Beliefs, Contemporary Educational Psychology ,32, 348–366.
  • Valanides, N. ve Angeli, C. (2005). Effects Of Instruction On Changes İn Epistemological Beliefs. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30, 314-330.
  • Yılmaz-Tüzün, Ö., Topcu, M. S. (2008). Relationships among Preservice Science Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs, Epistemological World Views. International Journal of Science Education, 30( 1), 65–85.
Year 2017, Volume: 16 Issue: 60, 119 - 134, 25.01.2017



  • Baxter-Magolda, M. B. (1992). Knowing and Reasoning in College: Gender-Related Patterns in Students’ Intellectual Development, San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Belenky, M. F., Clinchy, B. M., Goldberger, N. R. ve Tarule, J. M. (1986). Women’s Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice and Mind.New York; Basic Books.
  • Bernardo, A. B. I. (2008). Exploring epistemological beliefs of bilingual Filipino preservice teachers. The Journal of Psycholog, 142 (2), 193-208.
  • Braten, I., Stromso, H. I. (2005). The relationship between Epistemological beliefs, Implicit Theories of Intelligence, and Self-regulated Learning among Norwegian Postsecondary Students. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 539-565.
  • Braten, I., Stromso, H. I. (2006). ''Epistemological Beliefs, Interest, and Gender as Predictors of Internet-Based Learning Activities'', Computers in Human Behavior, 22, 1027-1042.
  • Brownlee, J. (2001). Beliefs about knowing in pre-service teacher education students. Ed: L. Richardson & J. Lidstone (Eds), Flexible Learning for a Flexible Societ,y 75-82.
  • Buehl, M., Alexander, P. A. (2001) Beliefs about Academic Knowledge, Journal of Educational Psychology Review,13 (4), 353-382.
  • Buehl, M. (2003). At the Crossroads of Epistemology and Motivation: Modeling the Relations between Students' Domain-Specific Epistemological Beliefs, Achievement Motivation, and Task Performance. (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi). Maryland Üniversitesi. Amerika.
  • Cavallo, A. M. L., Rozman, M., Blickenstaff, J. ve Walker, N. (2003). Students’ Learning Approaches, Reasoning Abilities, Motivational Goals, and Epistemological Beliefs in Differing College Science Courses, Journal of College Science Teaching, 33, 18-23.
  • Cano, F. (2005). Epistemological beliefs and Approaches to Learning: Their Change Through Secondary School and Their Influence on Academic Performance, British Journal of Educational Psycholog, 75, 203-221.
  • Chan, K. W., Elliott., R. G. (2002). Exploratory Study of Hong Kong Teacher Education Students’ Epistemological Beliefs: Cultural Perspectives and Implications on Belief Research. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27, 392-414.
  • Chan, K. (2003). Hong Kong teacher education students' epistemological beliefs and approaches to learning. Research in Education, 69, 36-50.
  • Chan, K. W., Elliott, R. G. (2004). Epistemological Beliefs Across Cultures: Critique and Analysis of Beliefs Structure Studies. Educational Psychology, 24( 2), 123-142.
  • Creswell, J. W., Clark, V. L. P., Gutmann, M. L., Hanson, W. E. (2003). Handbook of Mixed Methods In Social & Behavioral Research. A. Tashakkori ve C. Teddlie (Ed.). Advanced Mixed Methods Research Designs (s. 223-227). Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2004). Eğitimde Program Geliştirme. Ankara: Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Deryakulu, D. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2002). Epistemolojik İnanç Ölçeğinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik çalışması, Eğitim Araştırmaları, 8, 111-125.
  • Deryakulu, D. (2004) Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Öğrenme ve Ders Çalışma Stratejileri ile Epistemolojik İnançları Arasındaki İlişki, Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 38,230-249.
  • Deryakulu, D., Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Epistefmolojik inanç ölçeğinin faktör yapısının yeniden incelenmesi: cinsiyet ve öğrenim görülen program türüne göre epistemolojik inançların karşılaştırılması. Eğitim Araştırmaları, 18, 57–70.
  • Duell, O. K., Schommer-Aikins, M. (2001). Measures of People’s Beliefs About Knowledge and Learning, Educational Psychology Review,13(4), 419-449.
  • Hofer, B. K., Pintrich, P. R. (1997). The Development of Epistemological Theories: Baliefs about Knowledge and Knowing and Their Relation to Learning. Review. Review of Educational Research, 67(1),88-140.
  • Hofer, B. K. (2000). Dimensionality and Disciplinary Differences in Personal Epistemology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 378-405.
  • Hofer, B. K. (2004a). Exploring the Dimensions of Personal Epistemology in Differing Classroom Contexts: Student Interpretations During the First Year of College, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 129-163.
  • Kizilgünes, B., Tekkaya, C., Sungur, S. (2009). Modeling the Relations Among Students’ Epistemological Beliefs, Motivation, Learning Approach, and Achievement. The Journal of Educational Research, 102(4), 243-255.
  • King, P. M., Kitchener, K. S. (1994). Developing Reflective Judgment: Understanding and Promoting Intellectual Growth and Critical Thinking in Adolescents and Adults.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Llyod, G. (2003). Mathematics Teachers’ Beliefs and Experiences with Innovative Curriculum Materials: The Role of Curriculum in Teacher Development, (Ed: G. C. Leder., E. Pehkonen ve G. Törner) Beliefs: A Hidden Variable in Mathematics Education?.(ss. 149-159), New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Mason, L. ve Boscolo, P. (2004). Role of Epistemological Understanding and Interest in Interprating a Controversy and in Topic-Specific Belief Change, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 29, 103-128.
  • Meral, M., Çolak, E. (2009). Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilimsel Epistemolojik İnançlarının İncelenmesi. On dokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27,129-146.
  • Öngen, D. (2003). Epistemolojik İnançlar ile Problem Çözme Stratejileri Arasındaki İlişkiler: Eğitim Fakülteleri Öğrencileri Üzerinde Bir Çalışma, Eğitim Araştırmaları, 13,155-162.
  • Perry,W. G. (1970). Forms of intellectual development and ethical development in the college years: A scheme. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  • Schommer, M. (1990). Effects of Beliefs about the Nature of Knowledge on Comprehension, Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 498-504.
  • Schommer, M. (1994). Synthesizing Epistemological Belief Research: Tentative Understandings and Provocative Confusions, Educational Psychology Review, (4),293-319.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M., Brookhart, S., Hutter, R., Mau, W. C. (2000).Understanding Middle Students’ Beliefs about Knowledge and Learning Using a Multidimensional Paradigm, The Journal of Educational Research,94 (4),20-127.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M. (2004). Explaining the epistemological belief system: Introducing the embedded systemic model and coordinated research approach. Educational Psychologist, 39(1), 19-29.
  • Schommer-Aikins, M. ve Easter, M. (2006). Ways of Knowing and Epistemological Beliefs: Combined Effect on Academic Performance, Educational Psychology, 26(3), 411-423.
  • Topçu, M.S. (2011). Turkish elementary student teachers’ epistemological beliefs and moral reasoning. European Journal of Teacher Education, 34(1), 99–125.
  • Trautwein, U. ve Lüdtke, O. (2007). Epistemological Beliefs, School Achievement, And College Major: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study On The Impact Of Certainty Beliefs, Contemporary Educational Psychology ,32, 348–366.
  • Valanides, N. ve Angeli, C. (2005). Effects Of Instruction On Changes İn Epistemological Beliefs. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 30, 314-330.
  • Yılmaz-Tüzün, Ö., Topcu, M. S. (2008). Relationships among Preservice Science Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs, Epistemological World Views. International Journal of Science Education, 30( 1), 65–85.
There are 38 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Sevgi Koç

Hasan Basri Memduhoğlu

Publication Date January 25, 2017
Submission Date June 14, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 16 Issue: 60


APA Koç, S., & Memduhoğlu, H. B. (2017). ÖĞRETMEN ADAYLARININ EPİSTEMOLOJİK İNANÇLARI: BİR KARMA YÖNTEM ÇALIŞMA. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(60), 119-134.

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Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.