Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası

Publication Policy

The publication policy, article review and publication process of Bozok Journal of Science are given below.

Bozok Journal of Science is a scientific publication of Yozgat Bozok University which is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, periodical that is electronically published twice a year (May and November).
Studies submitted to the journal are reviewed by at least two referees.
In the journal, the referee process is carried out in accordance with the double blind peer review system.
Accepted studies are published according to the date of acceptance.
The journal implements an open access system. Studies published in journal issues can be accessed free of charge.
No fee is charged at any step for the studies submitted to the journal.

Ethical Principles

Attaching an ethics committee report is mandatory for studies that require ethics committee approval.
Double blind peer review is implemented that the referee(s) cannot see the author(s) and the author(s) cannot see the referees.
The studies submitted to the journal should be those that have not been published in another journal, accepted for publication, or that are not under review for publication.
The Copyright Transfer Form, in which the author(s) approve their responsibilities for the study, should be signed by all authors with original signatures and submitted to the journal at the first submission step of the study.
The legal responsibility emerging from the content of the studies published in the journal belongs entirely to the author(s).
The results of the research should be given openly and honestly, without making false, fabricated or inappropriate data manipulation.
The author(s) should mention the people or institutions (sponsor) that supported the research.
The author(s) should reference all the citations used in the study, and all responsibility in this regard belongs to the author(s).
It should be noted that all authors have equal responsibility for ethical principles.
The similarity rate control for all studies should be done by the authors and this report should be submitted to the journal at the first submission step. Articles that show 20% or more similarity as a result of the report will not be sent to the referees and will be rejected.
Bozok Journal of Science abides by the principles described by the Editorial Ethics Committee (COPE)'s Code of Conduct and Journal Editors' Best Practice Guidelines ( and not only uses transparency principles but also publishes articles that comply with the guidelines set by best scientific practice, COPE.

Editor's Responsibilities

In Bozok Journal of Science, the Editor, Associate Editors and Section Editors are expected to comply with the following responsibilities.
• Editors/Editors actively evaluate ways to improve the journal processes by taking the opinions of authors, readers, and editorial board members.
• Editors/Editors protect the information of article applicants within the scope of Personal Data Protection Law and do not share it with third parties.
• Editors/Editors ensure the publication of articles that have scientific originality and contribute scientifically to readers and researchers.
• Editors/Editors select the section editors and readers to be assigned to the submitted articles by taking into account their areas of expertise and take care to ensure that the evaluations to be made are impartial.
• Editors/Editors ensure the protection of intellectual property rights in the articles to be published.

Referee’s Responsibilities

Referees who will evaluate the articles submitted to Bozok Journal of Science are expected to comply with the following responsibilities.
• Referee/Referees should accept article evaluation according to their own fields of expertise.
• Referee/Referees should adopt the principles of confidentiality and impartiality while evaluating articles.
• Referee/Referees should evaluate the article within the framework of academic and ethical rules, free from personal comments containing insulting and insulting personal comments.
• Referee/Referees should complete the evaluations within the time allocated to them.

Author's Responsibilities

Authors/authors who submit a study to Bozok Journal of Science are expected to comply with the following responsibilities.
• The work that the author/authors request to be published must be original. All sources used in the study must be cited completely and in accordance with the spelling rules of our journal.
• If the author/authors have data obtained by methods such as experiment, questionnaire, interview, observation in their studies, they are obliged to submit to our journal the documents indicating that the necessary permissions have been obtained from the participants involved in obtaining these data and the Ethics Committee Approval obtained from the relevant institutional authorities.
• Author(s) should take care not to add people who do not make an academically meaningful contribution to the article as co-authors.
• Author(s) should indicate the institutions and sources supporting the study in the article.
• Author(s) are obliged to make the corrections suggested by the referees and editors. If these proposed corrections are refused without reasonable reasons, they are deemed to have accepted that the article will not be published.