• General Information
Articles should be uploaded to the system in MS Word file.
All texts in the article should be in Times New Roman font.
The article should be maximum 8000 words excluding references.
Articles should be prepared in accordance with the IHEAD Article Template.
• Article Title
The Turkish and English title of the article should be written in 12 pt, centered and bold. Maximum 14 words should be used excluding conjunctions. In the title, only the first letter of each word, except conjunctions, should be capitalized, and conjunctions should be written in lower case. (Makale Başlığı/Article Title Style should be selected in the template)
• Author Information
Author names and any information about the authors should not be written in the articles uploaded to the author system. Author information will be added during the editing process. (Yazarlar/Authors Style should be selected in the template)
• Abstract
At the beginning of the article, there should be a short abstract in Turkish and English to inform the reader about the study. Abstracts should be justified and written in 9-pt font. The word count in abstracts should be in the range of 150-200 words. 3-5 keywords should be given under the abstracts. Keywords should be separated by semicolons. References, table, or figure numbers, etc. should not be used in abstracts. Manuscript submission, acceptance and publication dates will be added later. These sections will be initially left blank as in the template. (Özet/Abstract Style should be selected in the template)
Suggested structure for an article:
Introduction, Methodology, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations, References, Attachments (if any), Extended Abstract
It is recommended to be in the form. The author(s) may add additional sections according to the content of the study.
• Article text
The texts/paragraphs in the article should be written in 10 pt font size, justified and single-spaced. (Metin/Text style will be selected for texts/paragraphs)
• Headlines
First level headings should be used in chapter titles. Main section headings should be bold, centered and in 11-point font size, capitalizing the first letter of each word except conjunctions. (1. Başlık/Title Style should be selected in the template)
Second-level headings should be used for primary subheadings. Primary subheadings should be bold, left-justified, 11-point font size, with the first letter of each word capitalized, except for conjunctions. (2. Başlık/Title Style should be selected in the template)
Secondary subheadings should use a third-level heading. Secondary subheadings should be written in bold, left justified and 10-point font size, capitalizing only the first letter of the first word of the title. (3. Başlık/Title Style should be selected in the template)
If you have a fourth level subheading, write it in bold, at the beginning of the paragraph, in 10 pt, left justified and italicized, and continue with a period at the end. Do not use more than four heading levels.
• Tables
Vertical lines should not be used in tables. Horizontal lines should be used under and above the column headings and at the bottom of the table. Tables should be double justified. The text in the table should be written in 9-pt font size, justified, or left justified and single-spaced. Each table should have a table number and table title. Table number and title should be written at the top of the table. Table number and title should be written in 10-pt font size, justified, and single-spaced. In the table title, the number should be bold, and the title should be italicized. Make sure that the table numbers are sequential and cited in the text. (Tablo Başlık style will be selected for the table title and Tablo Metin style will be selected for the text in the table)
Table 1. Write the title of the table in sentence format with the first letter of the first word capitalized and all letters of the other words lowercase and put a period at the end.
• Figures
Figures should be placed in the center of the page. There should be a number and title for each figure/image. The figure number and title should be written at the bottom of the image. Figure number and title should be written in 10-pt font size, centered, and single-spaced. The relevant figure should be cited in the text and explained if possible (Şekil Başlık style will be selected for the figure title).
Figure 1. Write the title of the figure in sentence format with the first letter of the first word capitalized and the letters of the other words lowercase and put a period at the end.
• References
References should be prepared in accordance with APA 7 standards. Each reference should be written in 10-pt font size, justified, single-spaced and the first line should be 1 cm hanging. APA 7 spelling standards should be followed in the writing of in-text citations, tables, figures, and references. Make sure that each reference in the references is cited at least once in the text and that the reference of any citation given in the text is shown in the references. (Kaynak style will be selected for references)
Some basic examples in reference writing:
Berk, L. E. (2022). Infants, children, and adolescents. SAGE Publications.
Book Chapter
Burnard, P., & Power, A. (2013). Issues in conceptions of creativity and creativity assessment in music education. In K. Thomas, & J. Chan (Eds.), Handbook of research in creativity (pp. 158–172). Edward Elgar.
Deutsch, D. (2016). Authentic assessment in music composition: Feedback that facilitates creativity. Music Educators Journal, 102(3), 53–59. https://doi.org/10.1177/0027432115621608
• Appendix
Authors may submit an appendix after the references if needed. If more than one appendix is submitted, the appendices should be numbered. The appendices should be cited within the article.
• Extended Abstract
An extended English abstract should be included at the end of the article. In this abstract, critical information about the article should be presented. The titles Purpose, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Suggestions can be used as a framework. The extended abstract should be at least 700 and at most 1000 words. The text should be typed in 10-point font size, justified, and single-spaced. Extended Abstract section is not required for articles written in English.
• Other Information
1. Use a FULL STOP to separate the ones digit from the tenths digit in decimal notation (e.g., 107.8; 0.25).
2. Write the numbers specified in decimal notation with a maximum of three digits after the comma (rounding the longer ones to the thousandths digit).
3. The width of the tables should be arranged so that they are justified on both sides of the page.
4. DOI numbers of the references should be included as much as possible.
5. References that are not cited in the article should not be added to the "References" section.
• Article Template
Not all article writing rules may be covered in this article. For this reason, an article template has been created that you can use in your article manuscript. We kindly ask you to use this template when submitting an article to our journal. If the writing process is done in another file, you can upload your article to the system after transferring it to this template. If the information in the template conflicts with the information given in the writing rules, please follow the structure in the template. A writing style is defined for each section in your article. The table below indicates which style to use in which section. We kindly ask you to select the relevant writing style when writing on the IHEAD article template or after copying a text into the template.
Styles to be used in text formatting:
Content Style
Text/Paragraphs Metin/Text
Level 1 Headings (Introduction, Method, etc.) 1. Başlık/Title
Level 2 Headings 2. Başlık/Title
Level 3 Headings 3. Başlık/Title
Article Title Makale Başlık
Turkish/English Abstract, Keywords, Article information Özet/Abstract
Article, Figure, Table footnotes Dipnot
Reference Kaynak
Figure headings Şekil Başlık
Table headings Tablo Başlık
Texts in the table Tablo Metin
Itemized contents Madde/Liste
After typing/pasting the full text of your article into the IHEAD article template, check that the fonts match the styles in the template.
Dear Colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce that the latest issue of IHEAD (Vol. 9- Iss. 2) has been released. We kindly want to express our speacial thanks to the editorial board members, reviewers, and authors for their invaluable contribution to this issue. Also, we are delighted to announce that the next issue (Vol. 10- Iss. 1) of the IHEAD will be available online in June, 2025. As of January, 2024, IHEAD has been accepting submissions in English along with Turkish. Handling your papers within the scope education for the next issue will be a great pleasure for us. Many thanks in advance for your contributions.
Editorial Board
Ihlara Journal of Educational Research (IHEAD) by Education Faculty of Aksaray University is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license,visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Ihlara Journal Educational Research (IHEAD) uses iThenticate, one the most trusted plagiarism checkers by the world’s top researchers, publishers, and scholars.
Ihlara Journal Educational Research (IHEAD) is an open-access journal.